Covid-19 and the Rise in Stress for Children and Adolescents

Do you ever feel stressed? Has the pandemic made that stress worse for you and/or your loved ones? We have been feeling it too and want to help! Stress is a natural part of life, but Covid-19 introduced a new stressor in all our lives, as we are all dealing with feelings of isolation from social distancing guidelines, increased stress in the home, the lack of stability in our routines, and the general concern for how the virus may affect our loved ones. For more information on the relationship between stress and the pandemic, please click on and check out this resource for promoting children’s emotional well-being amidst the pandemic.

Our Californian Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, made note of this growing issue and acted. She warns us that not dealing with our stress for too long can result in serious, negative impact on our mental and physical health. With all our major Covid-19 related concerns and stressors in mind, Dr. Harris put together this playbook for stress relief during COVID-19. In this guide, she lays out an informative game plan for ensuring we all stay happy, positive, and confident despite overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety. We encourage you to explore this resource, so you and your loved ones have the tools for stress relief as we all continue to navigate through this pandemic!

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