Get Your Activity Tracker

Use the FitQuest Activity Tracker to keep track of the fun activities and healthy food you eat each day of the week!

Become a More Active Family

Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages, so being active as a family can benefit everyone. Adults need 2½ hours a week of physical activity, and children need 60 minutes a day. Follow these tips to add more physical activity to your family’s busy schedule.

  1. Set specific activity times. Determine times throughout the week when the whole family is available and try to devote these times to physical activity. For example, your family can plan to do something active after dinner or begin the weekend with a sunny Saturday morning walk.
  2. Plan ahead and track your progress. Write your activity plans on a family calendar. Letting kids help in planning the activities and allowing them to check the activities off after completing them can encourage confidence and excitement about being active.
  3. Include work around the house Involve the kids in yard work and other active chores around the house. Have them help you with raking, weeding, planting, or vacuuming.
  4. Use what is available. Plan activities that require little or no equipment or facilities. Examples include walking, jogging, jumping rope, playing tag, and dancing. Find out what programs your community recreation center offers for free or minimal charge.
  5. Build new skills. Enroll the kids in classes they might enjoy, such as gymnastics, dance, or tennis, and help them practice. This will keep things fun and interesting, while also actively encouraging them to try new skills!
  6. Plan for all weather conditions. Choose activities that do not depend on the weather. Try mall walking, indoor swimming, or active video games when weather determines, and enjoy outdoor activities as a nice weather bonus!
  7. Turn off the TV. Set a rule that no one can spend longer than 2 hours per day playing video games, watching TV, and using the computer (except for school work). Instead of a TV show, play an active family game, dance to favorite music, or go for a walk.
  8. Start small. Begin by introducing one new family activity and add more when you feel everyone is ready. Take the dog for a longer walk, play another ball game, or go to an additional exercise class.
  9. Include other families. Invite others to join your family activities. This is a great way for you and your kids to spend time with friends while being physically active. Plan parties with active games such as bowling or an obstacle course, sign up for family programs at the YMCA, or join a recreational club.
  10. Treat the family with fun physical activity. When it is time to celebrate as a family, do something active as a reward. Plan a trip to the zoo, park, or lake to treat the family.

Active Lifestyle Tips

Move more! Get out! Join in! Jump up and before you know it, you'll be moving!

Active Lifestyle Tips

Being more physically active is one of the best things you can do for your health, and it doesn’t have to be hard or involve the gym.

Get Social

Get active with your friends instead of going out to eat. Go for a hike, walk around the mall, or play an exercise-themed video game.

Move More

Fit more activity into your school day. Walk briskly from class to class, walk around or join in a sport after lunch, and get up to stretch each hour whenever possible.

Do Something New

Developing a new skill can help kick-start your motivation. Sign up for a class to learn how to salsa dance, surf, do tai chi, or play a sport. If you have a busy schedule or want a free instruction option, search the web for free video content you can exercise along with.

Keep Cool In the Pool

Don’t like to sweat? Hit the local community pool for a swim, water polo, or water aerobics class to stay cool while exercising. If you don’t have access to a water source, remember that pacing yourself is another easy way to keep cool while being active! For example, on days you would normally run, go for a relaxed walk instead.

Looking for Fit Tips?

10 Tips for being Active Everyday!

Move Your Way—60 A Day!

Learn how to be more active and start feeling better right away!

Physical activity can help make your daily life better. When you are physically active, your body releases a chemical called endorphins. This encourages production of serotonin (“happiness chemicals”) in the brain and helps minimize any pain or discomfort in our bodies. More health benefits related to increased physical activity include:

      • Boost your mood
      • Sharpen your focus
      • Reduce your stress
      • Improve your sleep

Ready to get more active this week?

Use this planner to set goals, choose activities you want to do, and get tips to help you stay motivated. When you’re done, print out your plan to track activity throughout the week.

Physical Activity Tips

Adding more physical activity into your day can be intimidating, but with a little help, it can also be easy! It is important to choose activities that you know you enjoy so you will be more motivated to stick to them. To help, we have provided some examples below. Remember to celebrate even your smallest victories and prioritize making physical activity fun for all involved—your brain and body will both benefit from this!

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

1. Take 10

Do at least 10 minutes of activity at a time to reach your weekly goal. Walk the dog for 10 minutes before and after school and add a 10-minute walk at lunchtime.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

2. Mix it up

Start the week with a swim at the pool, take a yoga class, lift weights in the evening, and end the week by working in your garden.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

3. Be ready anytime

Keep comfortable clothes or running shoes and a bottle of water in your backpack.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

4. Find ways to move

Take a brisk walk around the yard, jog to the bus stop, or ride your bike to the park. Enjoy the fresh air!

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

5. Workout during TV time

Watch a movie while you jog in place or download a video on your phone and watch while you stretch.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

6. Find support

Join a walking group, play wheelchair sports, practice martial arts, or sign up for an exercise class in your community. Recruit family or friends for support.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

7. Enjoy the outdoors

Tumble in the leaves, build a snowman or take a nature walk. Visit a county or national park and spend time hiking, canoeing, or boating.

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

8. Join a team

Join a softball, basketball, or volleyball team at school. Find out if you can starting a physical activity club with friends at school or in your neighborhood. 

Happy elementary kids playing together with jumping rope outdoor. Children playing skipping rope jumping game and laughing outdoors. Happy cute girl jumping over skipping rope held by her friends.

9. Chores count, too!

Clean your room, wash the car, or mow the lawn with a push mower. Know that these activities count toward your goal of at least 150 minutes each week.

Train Like An Astronaut!

These physical activities, illustrated in the Mission Handouts, utilize the same body parts/systems as astronauts do in training and on missions in space.

What are your Favorite Outdoor Activities?

Click on an activity below and find out how many calories you can burn during this activity. You have the power to Choose!


Running burns 472 calories an hour.


Skipping burns 384 calories an hour.


Soccer burns 590 calories an hour.

Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course 531 burns  calories an hour.


Cycling burns 236 calories an hour.

Jump Rope

Jumping Rope burns 590 calories an hour.


Swimming burns 354 calories an hour.


Volleyball burns 472 calories an hour.


Kickball burns 413 calories an hour.


Baseball burns 295 calories an hour.


Kick-the-Can burns 295 calories an hour.


Tetherball burns 350 calories an hour.

3-Legged Race

Three-legged Race burns 472 calories an hour.


Skating burns 413 calories an hour.


Football burns 472 calories an hour.


Foursquare burns 207 calories an hour.


Tennis burns 472 calories an hour.


Yoga burns 236 calories an hour.


Frisbee burns 177 calories an hour.


Dance burns 325 calories an hour.


Hiking burns 354 calories an hour.


Cartwheels burns 325 calories an hour.


Golf burns 266 calories an hour.


Skiiing burns 354 calories an hour.