Tackling Nutrition, FitQuest Style Part 1

Food has often been associated with feelings of comfort and happiness, but when thinking of a meal that makes us happy, we might not think of nutritious food at first. We know eating healthy foods is good for us, but we often do not consider that they may also be good for our brains! The link between feeling good physically and feeling good mentally is no surprise, as we can relate to the feeling of having a protein-filled breakfast in the morning and feeling less hungry and more alert throughout the day, for example. Our brain needs food to work its best, so giving it enough energy each day is a necessity.

Did you know our brains are exercising all day? It even exercises while you are resting, using the energy you give it to stay functioning. Looking back at the protein-rich breakfast example, it supports just how important eating enough throughout the day is. Even when you are seated at your desk, your brain is working by pulling energy from your food intake—when there is no energy to pull, you start feeling sluggish and have a tough time thinking. Beyond concentration related affects, though, prolonged feelings of hunger and lack of energy are related to feeling sad and stressed.

Our brain works better and more efficiently when we give it enough energy, but in times of stress or feeling low, we may neglect our energy intake and deprive our bodies of necessary nutrition. Read more next week, as we continue to look closely at how food and mental health work hand in hand! For more information on how our brains use the energy we give them, read this section from the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders!

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